Created in 2018 by chef and entrepreneur Jorge Carlos Neves, with support from FAPEAM, aiming to incorporate unique inputs from the Amazon region to create an Amazonian chocolate, organic, sustainable, respecting and valuing the forest communities.
Warabu was born from the forest and from the dream of taking the best chocolate with Amazonian inputs to the world.
Rescue the culture of cocoa cultivation in the Amazon, the original fruit of the land, although it is no longer recognized as such. We use wild cocoa from native species located in the Amazon basin collected by family farmers, because we believe that this is the
path for the development and preservation of the Amazon.
Warabu values extractive cultures and adopts the Fairtrade, not admitting middle-men in its chain, thus providing better remuneration to these producers, fairer conditions and favoring preservation.
Warabu represents respect for the entire production chain. We follow
personally the processing steps (harvesting, fermentation and drying) and we make sure there is no work irregular and/or exploitative.